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Here's What You'll Get in The Ultimate Manifestation Book Bundle:

Bestselling Book:  The  Lost Secret

This is the ONLY place in the entire world where you'll actually be able to read word-for-word the two lost chapters of Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich.  In the Lost Chapters report, we've only given you an abridged overview of what the lost chapters talk about.  In this book, you'll actually get to see the ACTUAL TWO LOST CHAPTERS.!

Jack Canfield, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author of the Chicken Soup of the Soul

Jack Canfield is a powerful success author, motivator, and one who changes people's lives on a mass scale. With the overwhelming success of his book (co-authored with Mark Victor Hansen) Chicken Soup of the Soul (and the many others that came after that initial book), he wrote other successful titles including The Success Principles and Key to Living the Law of Attraction. Jack decided to write the foreword to the book The Lost Secret because of how powerful the two lost chapters of Napoleon Hill are. He was shocked when he first read these chapters and couldn't believe that these have been withheld from the public for well over 80 years! This is why he wrote the foreword to this book: because of the sheer magnitude of how life-changing these two lost chapters are.

Bob Proctor, Bestselling Author, Top Motivator, Life Coach, and Seen in the Movie The Secret

Bob Proctor's name is synonymous with wealth attraction and great success. Not only has he experienced his own wealth and success but he's been training others on this path for many decades. Bob Proctor is a huge fan of Napoleon Hill's work and tells everyone he reads Think and Grow Rich every day. Yes, you read that correctly. He reads Think and Grow Rich EVERY DAY! When Bob first read the two lost chapters of Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich, it was a moment when a long-time mystery was finally revealed to him. He could never understand why Napoleon Hill didn't openly talk about using feeling and vibrational energy to attract our deepest desires. Upon reading the second of the two lost chapters, he finally understood the true meaning of his work.

* An Autographed Copy of The Lost Secret
* The Lost Secret Workbook (Only Available Here)
* The Lost Secret Abridged Pocketbook (Only Available Here)
* Deliberate Manifestation Book
* Universe Map with the Secret of Manifestation
* Manifestation Rock
* DVD Series of How to Get What You Want!
* Audio Seminar on the REAL Secret to Wealth Attraction

Plus...You'll Get The Lost Chapters Report AND the Lost Audio Interview from Napoleon Hill!

The Lost Chapters Report

The Lost Chapters Report Will Reveal the Details About the CONSPIRACY of WHY These Two Chapters Were Stripped Out of Think and Grow Rich Right As It Was Going to Press in 1937...and Were NEVER Included in Any Subsequent Edition Thereafter.  One Powerful Man in Particular Was Dedicated to Destroying This Text and He'll Be Revealed in This Report!

SUPER RARE: The Lost Audio Recordings of Napoleon Hill

In Your Package You'll Get the "Lost Audio" from Napoleon Hill That Has Been Hidden From the Public Since It Was Taped Over 40 Years Ago!  This is EXTREMELY RARE and This is the ONLY Place You'll Find These Audio Recordings.  You'll Get Two Full Hours of a Lost Audio Seminar Put on By Napoleon Hill Himself!

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Important Legal Notice: Think and Grow Rich is a trademark belonging to The Napoleon Hill Foundation. The Lost Chapters are NOT affiliated with or from The Napoleon Hill Foundation. In fact, they don't even know about these Lost Chapters because these were omitted right before the initial print of the original Think and Grow Rich went to press. The original Think and Grow Rich was published by The Ralston Society in 1937. Upon contacting The Napoleon Hill Foundation about these Lost Chapters, they stated that there was no such thing; we believe otherwise and we will tell you why in our EXPLOSIVE Lost Chapters Report. While Napoleon Hill and/or The Ralston Society held the copyright to Think and Grow Rich in 1937 (the year of publication), Think and Grow Rich fell into public domain due to the copyright not being renewed the 28th year after publication, as per copyright law for works published between 1923 and 1963. Works that were written but went unpublished entered the public domain on January 1, 2008. Additionally, anything written before 1978 that went unpublished was not covered by federal copyright law. While the original book - Think and Grow Rich - is part of public domain, we understand that Think and Grow Rich is trademarked by The Napoleon Hill Foundation and therefore are offering our FREE REPORT called The Lost Chapters under the "fair use" exception since this report is both critical and educational in context and nature; the report itself is NOT selling a product nor does it attempt to dilute the Think and Grow Rich trademark, but rather offering FREE information about the 2 lost chapters (which were only RECENTLY discovered) in our mind-blowing report that is nothing more than educational and critical in context, again, covered by "fair use" within the law and also covered under the First Amendment (free speech) because our work (1) has artistic relevance to the work at issue, and (2) doesn't explicitly mislead consumers as to the source of the mark or the word, clearly belonging to The Napoleon Hill Foundation as indicated above. As far as the trademark, typically no one can trademark a book or movie title. Book titles are not copyrightable. But somehow the Napoleon Hill Foundation slyly registered a trademark for "Think and Grow Rich" in June 2011 under the IC (International Classification) of 016 for a "series" of non-fiction books even though one may argue that the term "Think and Grow Rich" is synonymous with "success and self-development" being that it's been around for more than 80 years, getting lost in what's called "genericide" through the ages. We believe that the grandson of Napoleon Hill, J.B. Hill (among others), is doing anything and everything he can to cling onto the fame and fortune coattails of his late grandfather which is pretty sad to say the least. Yes, The Napoleon Hill Foundation was set up by Napoleon Hill as a Non-Profit Organization but this doesn't prevent the heirs from getting nice big salaries!
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